A technique for the construction of axisymmetric distribution functions for individual galaxies is presented. It starts from the observed surface bright- ness distribution, which is deprojected to gain the axisymmetric luminosity density, from which follows the stars' gravitational potential. After adding dark mass components, such as a central black hole, the two-integral distribu- tion function (2I-DF) f(E,Lz), which depends only on the classical integrals of motion in an axisymmetric potential, is constructed using the Richardson- Lucy algorithm. This algorithm proved to be very efficient in finding f(E,Lz) provided the integral equation to be solved has been properly modified. Once the 2I-\df\ is constructed, its kinematics can be computed and compared with those observed. Many discrepancies may be remedied by altering the assumed inclination angle, mass-to-light ratio, dark components, and odd part of the 2I-DF. Remaining discrepancies may indicate, that the distribution function depends on the non-classical third integral, or is non-axisymmetric. The method has been applied to the nearby elliptical galaxy M32. A 2I-DF with ~55 degrees inclination and a central black hole (or other compact dark mass inside ~1pc) of 1.6-2*10^6 Msun fits the high-spatial-resolution kinema- tic data of van der Marel et al. remarkably well. 2I-DFs with a significantly less or more massive central dark mass or with edge-on inclination can be ruled out for M32. Predictions are made for HST-observations: spectroscopy using its smallest square aperture of 0.09"*0.09" should yield a non-gaussian central velocity profile with broad wings, true and gaussian-fit velocity dispersion of 150-170km/s and 120-130km/s, respectively.

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