A Planetary Companion to γ Cephei A

We report on the detection of a planetary companion in orbit around the primary star of the binary system $\gamma$ Cephei. High precision radial velocity measurements using 4 independent data sets spanning the time interval 1981--2002 reveal long-lived residual radial velocity variations superimposed on the binary orbit that are coherent in phase and amplitude with a period or 2.48 years (906 days) and a semi-amplitude of 27.5 m s$^{-1}$. We performed a careful analysis of our Ca II H & K S-index measurements, spectral line bisectors, and {\it Hipparcos} photometry. We found no significant variations in these quantities with the 906-d period. We also re-analyzed the Ca II $\lambda$8662 {\AA} measurements of Walker et al. (1992) which showed possible periodic variations with the ``planet'' period when first published. This analysis shows that periodic Ca II equivalent width variations were only present during 1986.5 -- 1992 and absent during 1981--1986.5. Furthermore, a refined period for the Ca II $\lambda$8662 {\AA} variations is 2.14 yrs, significantly less than residual radial velocity period. The most likely explanation of the residual radial velocity variations is a planetary mass companion with $M$ sin $i$ = 1.7 $M_{Jupiter}$ and an orbital semi-major axis of $a_2$ $=$ 2.13 AU. This supports the planet hypothesis for the residual radial velocity variations for $\gamma$ Cep first suggested by Walker et al. (1992). With an estimated binary orbital period of 57 years $\gamma$ Cep is the shortest period binary system in which an extrasolar planet has been found. This system may provide insights into the relationship between planetary and binary star formation.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, accepted in Ap. J. Includes additional data and improved orbital solutio

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