Recovery after General Anaesthesia for Laparoscopy

Recovery after two methods of light general anaesthesia for gynaecological laparoscopy was studied. For this purpose, 30 patients were divided into two equal groups (A and B). The patients in group A were anaesthetized with thiopentone, fentanyl and suxamethonium infusion, while the patients in group B received inhalation anaesthesia with enflurane and suxamethonium infusion. Both groups were normoventilated with nitrous-oxide and oxygen mixture. A battery of recovery tests was applied in the recovery room. The patients who received inhalation anaesthesia with enflurane scored better in the recovery tests, and reached preoperative values after 3 h in the recovery room. Inhalation anaesthesia with enflurane was accepted well by the patients and provided good working conditions for the surgeons. It is suitable for outpatient gynaecological laparoscopy because it ensures rapid recovery.