Escherichia coli can adapt and recover growth at high osmolarity. Adaptation requires the deplasmolysis of cells previously plasmolyzed by the fast efflux of water promoted by osmotic upshift. Deplasmolysis is essentially ensured by a net osmo-dependent influx of K+. The cellular content of the heat shock protein DnaK is increased in response to osmotic upshift and does not decrease as long as osmolarity is high. The dnaK756(Ts) mutant, which fails to deplasmolyze and recover growth, does not take up K+ at high osmolarity; DnaK protein is required directly or indirectly for the maintenance of K+ transport at high osmolarity. The temperature-sensitive mutations dnaJ259 and grpE280 do not affect the osmoadaptation of E. coli at 30 degrees C.