Our previous work showed that the pineal neurohormone melatonin induces activated T lymphocytes to release opioid peptides with immunoenhancing and anti-stress properties. Here we present evidence that these peptides crossreact with anti-beta-endorphin and anti-met-enkephalin antisera, and bind specifically to thymic opioid receptors. Furthermore, the same antisera injected in prednisolone treated mice prevented the normal recovery of thymus cellularity and of the capacity to mount a primary antibody response against T-dependent antigens. Surgical pinealectomy, i.e. inhibition of endogenous melatonin and absence of antigen activation negated the effect of such antisera demonstrating the physiological relevance of this melatonin-immuno-opioids network. It is proposed that function of this network may be that of driving a correct immune recovery after the depression caused by the elevated corticosteroids level associated with immune responses and/or stressful situations.