Red/Near-Infrared Atomic Analysis for H, C, N, O, S, Cl, and Br with a Fourier Transform Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer

Medium resolution (0.25 cm−1) Fourier transform atomic emission reference spectra of H, C, N, O, S, Cl, Br, and Ar are presented in the red/near-infrared (15,800–8300 cm−1) region for a “pure” argon inductively coupled plasma. A silicon photodiode detector provided the red response needed to measure atomic hydrogen emissions simultaneously with near-infrared lines of the other nonmetals. Several new ICP excited lines of sulfur and carbon are reported. A list of relative intensities for all observed lines in this region is presented, and an 84-page appendix containing labelled medium resolution plots of the entire spectral region for seven elements and the argon background is available upon request. Transparent master overlays of the appendix are also available. Phase error with single-sided interferograms is studied, and the application of standard correction methods prior to power spectrum plotting is explored for red/near-infrared atomic emissions. The interaction between spectral line intensity and resolution is studied in this region.