Positive Scans in Angiographically Proved Cases of Recanalized Cerebral Infarction

In 20 patients with acute major cerebral arterial occlusion, follow-up angiograms were obtained to inspect the occluded artery. These angiograms were compared with brain scans in the fourth week after the stroke. The angiograms revealed that frequent recanalization of the occluded arteries occurred within a week after the onset. On the other hand, brain scans showed the increased uptake of radioisotopes even in the patients with angiographically demonstrated arterial recanalization. The present study clarified that positive scans could be obtained in the patients with and without recanalization, and emphasized the diagnostic value of brain scans in the subacute or chronic stage of cerebral infarction, especially in patients with no arterial occlusion appearing on the angiograms.