Effect of local application of fluoride on healing of experimental bone fractures in rabbits

The effect of local application of low fluoride concentrations on the healing of experimental bone-radii fractures in 20 rabbits was examined. No external fixation was required after the osteotomy and gelfoam being used as a medium for fluoride application. Histologic mineral and mechanical strength measurements were carried out on the healing callus. There were no significant changes in the ashpercentage and the fluoride concentration of the ash between the experimental and control callus. A significantly higher percentage of ossified tissue was found in the fluoride treated callus. The breaking strength was found to be significantly higher in the bone fractures treated with fluoride, whereas there was no notable difference between the surface areas. It is postulated that the greater amount of ossified tissues, the differences in organization of the bone trabecules, and/or an improved mineral crystallinity may be responsible for this result.