Chickpea yields in Israel are usually considerably lower than wheat yields under comparable conditions. This study aimed to examine the possible yield limiting factors in chickpeas. Increasing the availability of nitrogen during seed development by a pre-sowing application of nitrate or by nitrogen top dressing at the onset of flowering led to an increase in the percentage of nitrogen in the straw but had no significant effect on seed yield. Growth analysis of chickpeas and wheat grown in two adjacent field experiments revealed that during the fruiting period these crops accumulated similar amounts of dry matter. However, the proportion of total wheat dry matter accumulated in the wheat grains was twice the proportion of total chickpea dry matter accumulated in the chickpea seeds. It was concluded that the main intrinisic factor limiting the seed yield of chickpeas is the continuation of vegetative growth during the period of seed development, which reduces the amount of assimilate allocated to the seeds.Los factores restrictivos del rendimiento en el garbanzo