When B10.A(5R) mice are immunized with congenic C57BL/10 cells only 2-ME-sensitive antibodies (IgM type) are found directed against H-2Db. To obtain 2-ME-resistant antibodies (IgG type) 5R mice must be immunized with noncongenic cells (e.g., A.BY); in this case non-H-2 cell surface antigens will activate helper T cells to induce anti-Db IgG antibody production by B cells. An attempt was made to define helper antigens that activate helper T cells. Neither N-2 antigens of seven H-2Db recombinant strains nor a limited set of non-H-2 cell surface antigens were able to serve as helper antigens. By using individual backcross mice as antigen, one helper antigen was found on the background of strain A under the conditions used, whereas other backgrounds may carry more than one antigen. The helper antigen is dominantly expressed in F1 mice and has to be presented on the same cell as H-2Db to induce the switch from IgM to IgG.