Challenging Drug Resistance in Cancer Therapy: Review of the First Nordic Conference on Chemoresistance in Cancer Treatment, October 9th and 10th, 1997

The First Nordic Conference on Chemoresistance in Cancer Treatment was held in the Danish town of Helsingør on October 9th and 10th, 1997, under the auspices of the Nordic Cancer Chemoresistance Group (NCCG). The meeting focused on biochemical chemoresistance in a multidisciplinary approach. There were 19 oral and 15 poster presentations documenting recent advances in experimental and clinical research of drug transport mechanisms, DNA repair systems, detoxifying enzymes, drug target regulation, in vitro sensitivity tests, apoptosis inhibition, and strategies to circumvent chemoresistance. In the present paper we review the main issues that were addressed and discuss the findings with reference to the current literature in the field. The meeting demonstrated the plurality and the complexity of chemoresistance, which is a major obstacle to successful chemotherapy in cancer patients. The new insights to mechanisms of drug resistance and sensitization represent a useful basis for further development of strategies to circumvent chemoresistance in clinical practice.