Universal finite-size scaling functions for critical systems with tilted boundary conditions

We calculate finite-size scaling functions (FSSF’s) of Binder parameter g and magnetization distribution function p(m) for the Ising model on L1×L2 square lattices with periodic boundary conditions in the horizontal L1 direction and tilted boundary conditions in the vertical L2 direction such that the ith site in the first row is connected with the mod(i+cL1,L1)th site in the L2 row of the lattice, where 1<~i<~L1. For fixed sets of (a,c) with a=L1/L2, the FSSF’s of g and p(m) are universal and in such cases a/(c2a2+1) is an invariant. For percolation on lattices with fixed a, the FSSF of the existence probability (also called spanning probability) is not affected by c.