X-ray CT metal artifact reduction using wavelets: an application for imaging total hip prostheses

Traditional computed tomography (CT) reconstructions of total joint prostheses are limited by metal artifacts from corrupted projection data. Published metal artifact reduction methods are based on the assumption that severe attenuation of X-rays by prostheses renders corresponding portions of projection data unavailable, hence the "missing" data are either avoided (in iterative reconstruction) or interpolated (in filtered backprojection with data completion; typically, with filling data "gaps" via linear functions). In this paper, we propose a wavelet-based multiresolution analysis method for metal artifact reduction, in which information is extracted from corrupted projection data. The wavelet method improves image quality by a successive interpolation in the wavelet domain. Theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that the metal artifacts due to both photon starving and beam hardening can be effectively suppressed using our method. As compared to the filtered backprojection after linear interpolation, the wavelet-based reconstruction is significantly more accurate for depiction of anatomical structures, especially in the immediate neighborhood of the prostheses. This superior imaging precision is highly advantageous in geometric modeling for fitting hip prostheses.

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