Measured electron-impact ionization of Be-like ions: B+, C2+, N3+, and O4+

Electron-impact-ionization cross sections have been measured from threshold to about 20 times threshold for Be-like ions B+, C2+, N3+, and O4+ with the use of the crossed-beams technique. The ion beams consist of mixtures of ions in the 2s2S1 ground state and the 2s2pP0,1,23 metastable states. For B+ and C2+ the metastable fractions could be changed, allowing estimates of ground-state cross sections, while for N3+ and O4+ the metastables appear to dominate the beams and the fractions could not be changed. The measured cross sections are compared with a variety of predictions. Distorted-wave calculations compare most favorably, but discrepancies up to 40% are found. The metastable-state—ground-state mixture complicates the comparisons for these beam experiments and is probably an issue for all environments where light (Z15) Be-like ions occur.