Isolation and identification ofchlamydia psittacivsnew zealand

Extract Madam:- It has been established previously that Chlamydia psittaci is enzootic in some species of birds in New Zealand. (3) Miles, J.A.R. 1959. Enzootic ornithosis (psittacossi) in N.Z.. N.Z. Med. J., 58: 506–507. [Google Scholar] (8) McCausland, I.P. , Carter, M.E. and O'Hara, P.J. 1972. Clinical ornithosis in a N.Z. aviary. N.Z. vet. J., 20: 53–54. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] It was first isolated in 1953, from a number of imported psittacine birds that were causally linked to several human cases of psittacosis (5) Jeffery, I.J. 1954. Some public health aspects of a recent outbreak of psittacosis in N.Z.. N.Z. Med. J., 53: 368–372. [Google Scholar] (6) Murray, M.J. , Cable, J.V. and Keeling, J. 1954. Psittacosis. Report on three cases in N.Z.. N.Z. Med J., 53: 107–109. [Google Scholar] (7) Fastier, L.B. and Austin, F.J. 1954. Psittacosis among Australian parrots imported into N.Z. N.Z. Med. J., 53: 373–379. [Google Scholar] At present, MAF policy restricts the importation of aviary birds and/or eggs to those brought in from Australia, and such birds must be certified free from a number of diseases including clinical psittacosis. Previous isolations of the organism have come from native parakeets (8) McCausland, I.P. , Carter, M.E. and O'Hara, P.J. 1972. Clinical ornithosis in a N.Z. aviary. N.Z. vet. J., 20: 53–54. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] and more recently from healthy N .Z. keas sent to the United Kingdom. (9) Johnson, F.W.A. , Lyon, D.G. , Wilkinson, R. , Bloomfleld, P. and Philips, H.L. 1984. Isolation of Chlamydia psittaci from newly imported keas (Nestor noiabilis). Vet. Rec., 114: 298–299. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] Because this disease is difficult to recognise clinically and autopsy and histologic findings are often not pathognomonic, the isolation of the causative organism is important in making a positive diagnosis.