The nematode resistance geneMiof tomato confers resistance against the potato aphid

Resistance against the aphidMacrosiphum euphorbiaepreviously was observed in tomato and attributed to a novel gene, designatedMeu-1, tightly linked to the nematode resistance gene,Mi.Recent cloning ofMiallowed us to determine whetherMeu-1andMiare the same gene. We show thatMiis expressed in leaves, that aphid resistance is isolate-specific, and that susceptible tomato transformed withMiis resistant to the same aphid isolates as the original resistant lines. We conclude thatMiandMeu-1are the same gene and thatMimediates resistance against both aphids and nematodes, organisms belonging to different phyla.Miis the first example of a plant resistance gene active against two such distantly related organisms. Furthermore, it is the first isolate-specific insect resistance gene to be cloned and belongs to the nucleotide-binding, leucine-rich repeat family of resistance genes.