Factor Analytic Studies Of Human Brain Damage: I. First And Second-Order Factors And Their Brain Correlates

This report is concerned with identifying the first and second-order cognitive factors underlying a battery of 49 measures taken from 22 brain damage tests. The test scores from 176 brain damaged patients between 16 and 65 years of age were intercorrelated and subjected to first-order alpha factoring followed by promax rotation to oblique simple structure. Ten of the 13 first-order factors extracted were interpretable, six of them being perceptual in nature and four being of a more conceptual nature. The perceptual factors include: perceptual organization, perceptual-motor speed, pattern recognition, temporal resolution, spatial orientation, and figure-ground identification. The conceptual factors include verbal comprehension, memory, and two abstraction factors. A second-order alpha factoring was performed on the matrix of correlations among the 13 primaries. Three of the five second-order factors extracted were interpretable. They were identified as perceptual integration (subsuming the first-order fact...