Sequential antigen‐specific growth of T cells in the T zones and follicles in response to pigeon cytochrome c

The sites of accumulation and growth of antigen-specific T cells was assessed during the Vα11/Vβ3 T cell receptor-restricted response of IEk+ mice to pigeon cytochrome c. In the T zone, the response was early but transient; Vα11/Vβ3+ T cell numbers fell to background levels as germinal centers developed. The follicles were a major site of specific T cell growth, but Vα11/Vβ3+ T cells were not obvious in foci of extrafollicular B cell growth in the red pulp. As germinal centers waned, Vα11/Vβ3+ T cells in the T zones again rose above background levels and some persisted in the follicles. After the initial stage of T cell priming, specific T cell growth seems to occur where specific interaction can occur with B cells that are presenting processed antigen.