The glomerular distribution in the renal cortex of the Munich Wistar Frömter (MWF) rat, a substrain of the Munich Wistar rat selected for superficial glomeruli, was compared to that of a control strain (LEW/Ztm) between 10 and 150 days of age. While there were no significant differences in body growth, kidney weight, or growth of the renal cortex in these two strains, the average diameter of Bowman’s capsule and of the glomerular tuft was significantly larger (about 12%) in rats of the MWF strain which were older than 60 days. In histological sections of kidneys of MWF rats in all age groups, many glomeruli in direct contact with the renal capsule were found; thus, this developmental step must have taken place before 10 days of age. The appearance of superficial glomeruli was due to a shift of glomeruli to a position just under the renal surface, the subcapsular zone or ‘cortex corticis’, which is normally free of glomeruli. For the rest of the renal cortex there were only slight differences in glomerular density and in total number of glomeruli per section between these two strains. These results lead us to suppose that superficial glomeruli belong to a special nephron type; thus, these glomeruli are not enveloped by parts of the proximal tubule.