Four units of synthetic B1-24 corticotrophin (Ciba) were given daily to 12 sham-adrenalecto-mized ("intact") and to 12 adrenalectomized female mice beginning at 33-39 days of age. Adrenalectomy was at 24-30 days of age and daily injections of 50 [mu]g of cortisol acetate were begun at once. Synthetic corticotrophin (ACTH), like porcine ACTH, inhibited re-productive function in intact and adrenalectomized mice. One intact mouse had degenerate corpora lutea, but the other intact mice had none. There were no ripe follicles and uteri were anestrous and usually mucified. Effects of synthetic ACTH in adrenalectomized mice were similar but less marked. This ACTH resulted in glomerular lesions similar to those produced by highly purified porcine ACTH at a roughly comparable dose (4 IU). Lesions were marked by an increase in intercapillary weakly PAS+, fibrillar-appearing material, increased size and cellularity of tuft, reduction in number and peripher alization of patent glomerular capillaries, and occasional deposits of brightly PAS positive material in the tufts, juxtaglomerular regions, and at bases of epithelial cells of distal tubules in proximity to glomeruli. Since [beta]1-24 ACTH is very weakly antigenic compared to [beta]1-24 or natural ACTH, it is unlikely that the production of renal lesions and inhibition of reproductive function result from an immune response and therefore is probably an inherent extraadrenal action of the [beta]1-24 ACTH core. Other pertinent effects of the synthetic ACTH are given.