In 195 female Wistar rats the influence of adrenalectomy, total body X-irradiation and dexamethasone treatment on the amount of CRF-granules in the external zone of the median eminence and “classical” neurosecretory material (NSM) in the internal zone of the median and in the posterior lobe of the hypophysis has been studied. In the normal rat only very few CRF-granules occur. 15 days after adrenalectomy increased amounts of CRF-granules but normal amounts of “classical” NSM are found. X-irradiation leads to a slight diminishment of “classical” NSM in normal rats. In adrenalectomized animals X-irradiation causes no changes in the amount of “classical” NSM but a marked decrease in the amount of CRF-granules. Application of dexamethasone from the 15th to 18th day after adrenalectomy enhances the augmentation of CRF-granules in irradiated and non-irradiated rats but does not influence the amount of “classical” NSM. The findings show that no correlation exists between the quantitative changes of CRF-granules and “classical” NSM under the experimental conditions used. Therefore it is to be assumed that the release of the two substances is regulated by different control mechanisms and that the substances have a different functional significance. The observations do not exclude the possibility that CRF-granules and “classical” NSM are biochemically identical.

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