Limits on the Majorana Neutrino Mass in the 0.1 eV Range

The Heidelberg-Moscow experiment gives the most stringent limit on the Majorana neutrino mass. After 24 kg yr of data with pulse shape measurements, we set a lower limit on the half-life of the 0νββ decay in 76Ge of T1/20ν5.7×1025yr at 90% C.L. (after PDG98 [C. Caso et al., Eur. Phys. J. C3, 1 (1998]), the sensitivity of the experiment being T1/20ν1.6×1025yr at 90% C.L. We thus exclude an effective Majorana neutrino mass greater than 0.2 eV (0.39 eV sensitivity), using the matrix elements of A. Staudt, K. Muto, and H. V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Europhys. Lett. 13, 31 (1990). This limit sets strong constraints on degenerate neutrino mass models.
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