To clarify the functional significance of cyst structures located in ultimobranchial glands, chick ultimobranchial glands of various ages were investigated by an immunoperoxidase method using anti-calcitonin, anti-somatostatin and anti-19S-thyroglobulin antisera. At hatching, the cysts were consistent features of the chick ultimobranchial glands. With aging, they gradually increased in volume and number. In adult chickens, a major portion of ultimobranchial glands was occupied by cysts of various sizes, shapes and luminal contents. Some cyst epithelium consisted of calcitonin-positive cells alone, and a portion of the cystic contents was intensely immunoreactive to the calcitonin antiserum. Neither cyst epithelium nor luminal contents were stained with the 19S-thyroglobulin or the somatostatin antiserum. Some cyst structures of chick ultimobranchial glands are related to the synthesis, secretion and accumulation of calcitonin.