Glucagon deficiency associated with hypoglycaemia and the absence of islet cell antibodies in the polyglandular failure syndrome before the onset of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: A case report

The case of a female patient with fasting hypoglycaemia before the development of Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus is reported. She presented with primary hypothyroidism, partial hypopituitarism, adrenal insufficiency and glucagon deficiency. Thyroid microsomal and gastric parietal cell antibodies were detected as well as HLA-B8, whereas islet cell antibodies were not demonstrable, even 2 years after the onset of diabetes. Plasma chromatography revealed true pancreatic glucagon (IRG3500) close to undetectable in basal samples with a questionable increase from 3 to 18 pg/ml during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia. After an overnight fast, moderate hyperaminoacidaemia was found with elevations of alanine, glycine, serine, arginine and ornithine as seen in pancreatectomized patients. It is suggested that the deficient glucagon secretion in this patient might, at least in part, have been the cause of fasting hypoglycaemia and the failure of glucose recovery following insulin-induced hypoglycaemia. Possibly, the A cell deficiency was part of the polyglandular failure syndrome in this patient.