Hypoxia causes constriction in small pulmonary arteries and dilatation in systemic arteries. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) is an important mechanism by which pulmonary blood flow is controlled in the fetus and by which local lung perfusion is matched to ventilation in the adult. HPV reduces the flow of desaturated blood through underventilated areas of lung. Even though many vasoactive substances have been examined as possible mediators of HPV, these appear more likely to be modulators than mediators. Hypoxic contraction has been demonstrated in single pulmonary vascular smooth muscle cells (PVSMC). The ability to sense changes in oxygen tension is observed in PVSMC and type 1 cells of the carotid body. In both cells, hypoxia has been shown to inhibit an outward potassium current, thus causing membrane depolarization and calcium entry through the voltage-dependent calcium channels. In both cells there is evidence to suggest that changes in the redox status of the oxygen-sensitive potassium chan...