Time of ganglion cell genesis in relation to the chiasmatic pathway choice of retinofugal axons

The time of generation of retinal ganglion cells in fetal cats has been related to the course taken later by their axons in the optic chiasm. The ganglion cells were labelled with tritiated thymidine either on embryonic day (E) 26 or on E‐301. When the cats were mature, ganglion cells were retrogradely labelled with horseradish peroxidase injected into one optic tract. The distribution of double‐labelled cells showed that cells in the temporal retina generated on E‐26 all have axons that take an uncrossed course in the chiasm, whereas, of the cells generated on E‐30 in the temporal retina, some take a crossed course and others take an uncrossed course. The uncrossed axons of the E‐26 cohort come from cells having a central distribution on the retina. For the E‐30 cohort, the uncrossed axons come from cells having a relatively peripheral distribution, whereas the crossed axons come from more central cells. The present results suggest that the mechanism which serves to direct temporal retinal axons into the ipsilateral optic tract weakens as development proceeds. In principle, the change may occur in either a chiasmatic signal, read by temporal but not nasal optic axons, or in a retinal label, carried by temporal but not nasal cells and their processes. Since temporal retinal cells born concurrently at different places can project to opposite optic tracts, a retinal signal that deteriorates with time in a centroperipheral fashion is favored by the present results.