A new electro-optical material based on nematic liquid crystal dispersed in a polymer matrix has recently been introduced by Fergason. This technology (termed NCAP, for nematic curvilinear aligned phase) is suitable for making very large area (thousands of square centimeter) light valves and displays. The device consists of micron size droplets of liquid crystal dispersed in and surrounded by a polymer film. Light passing through the film in the absence of an applied field is strongly forward scattered, giving a milky, translucent film. Application of an electric field across the liquid crystal/polymer film places the film in a highly transparent state. Pleochroic dyes may be employed in the system in order to achieve controllable light absorption as well as scattering. Microscopically, it is shown that the liquid-crystal director lies preferentially parallel to the polymer wall, leading to a bipolar-like configuration of the liquid-crystal directors within the droplet. The symmetry axes of the droplets are randomly oriented in the unpowered, scattering state, but align parallel to the field in the powered, transparent state. The electric field required to reorient a given droplet varies inversely with the diameter of that droplet, and it is shown that the macroscopic electro-optical properties of the film can be modeled if the distribution of liquid-crystal droplet sizes is known.