Muon-Proton Deep Elastic Scattering

We have measured muon-proton elastic scattering in the range 0.6<q2<3.2 (GeV/c)2. We compared these data with the corresponding elastic electron-proton cross sections by forming the ratio r(q2)=G2(μp)G2(ep), where G(q2)=GM(q2)μ is the form factor of the proton. By fitting r(q2)=N(1+q2Λ2)2 we find N=1.043±0.080 and Λ2=+0.064±0.038 (GeV/c)2. Combining our data with those of two previous μp elastic scattering experiments yields Λ2=+0.051±0.024 (GeV/c)2 which is a much weaker limit on muon-electron universality than that obtained from μp inelastic scattering.