Twenty cases of cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung wereobserved: 2 had died in utero; the diagnosis was made at birth in 13infants of which 3 were premature. A Bochdalek's hernia had been diagnosedbefore birth in 2 cases by echo-tomography. The correct antenatal diagnosishad been made in 2 cases. Two infants had no symptoms, 3 were dyspneic, 8were in respiratory distress and had to be intubated and ventilated. Twohad a prune belly syndrome. Eight infants had a thoracotomy during theirfirst week of life. Pulmonary resections concerning those 13 patientscomprised 10 lower lobectomies, 1 of which was associated with alingulectomy, and 2 upper lobectomies, 1 of which was associated with amiddle lobe resection. Five patients were diagnosed and operated uponbetween 10 months and 8 years of age; 4 had recurrent bronchitis and 1 wasdiagnosed during the treatment of a gastroenteritis. They had 3 lower and 2upper lobectomies. Recovery was uneventful in all patients except for 1 whowas reoperated upon for intestinal obstruction. Antenatal diagnosis ofcystic adenomatoid malformation should become standard. The malformationmay be mistaken for a pulmonary sequestration or bronchogenic cyst.Differential diagnosis of a congenital hernia is important.