Calorimetric Determination of Isothermal Entropy Changes in High Magnetic Fields at Low Temperatures. CoSO4·7H2O

An apparatus has been described for the detailed calorimetric measurement of the entropy increase accompanying isothermal demagnetization from high magnetic fields. Integrated automatic heat input controlled by a helium gas thermometer, in thermal contact with the sample, divided by the selected temperature, gives a detailed description of the entropy increase. Investigation of a powdered sample of CoSO4·7H2O has shown that application of fields of the order of 100 kOe near 1°K extracts an entropy of R ln2 as an upper limit from the electronic system of this substance. No irreversible effects were found. The entropy was found to be a function of Hi/T, over the range 1.236 to 4.211°K and from 0 to 94 500 Oe. Hi refers to the magnetic field inside the sample. The resistance of a Pt(91–92%)—W(9–8%) alloy wire used for the noninductively wound calorimetric heater was investigated. The magnetoresistance was positive, very small, and linear with field at all fields. (1/R) (dR/dT) = —5×10—5 deg—1 and (1/R) (dR/dH) = +2.5×10—9 Oe—1, range 1.2 to 4.2°K and from 0 to 95 kOe. Equations for the effect of a magnetic field on the helium gas thermometer are given.