Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity Effector Cells Lack Ia Antigens

Surface immunoglobulin (sIg)-positive and sIg-negative subpopulations of macrophage-depleted murine splenic lymphocytes were obtained by Sephadex anti-Fab immunoabsorbent fractionation. These lymphocyte subpopulations were analyzed for the presence of Thy 1 and Ia alloantigens and also for Fc receptors by fluorescence microscopy. Concurrently, these lymphocyte subpopulations were studied for effector cell activity in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Effector cells mediating ADCC were contained in the sIg-negative lymphocyte subpopulation and sIg-positive lymphocytes did not mediate cytotoxicity. The majority of sIg-positive lymphocytes were found to bear Ia antigens and Fc receptors, and these cell surface structures were associated in that treatment of these cells with anti-Ia sera inhibited binding of complexed immunoglobulin to Fc receptors. In contrast, most sIg-negative, Thy 1-negative lymphocytes lacked Ia antigens, and the Fc receptors detected on such cells were not blocked by anti-Ia sera. In addition, a small subpopulation of sIg-negative, Ia antigen-positive, Fc receptor-positive lymphocytes was found. Elimination of this subpopulation of Ia antigen-positive cells from sIg-negative lymphocytes, by treatment with anti-Ia serum and complement, did not diminish ADCC effector cell activity in the resultant cell population when compared with untreated sIg-negative lymphocytes. Thus, in murine spleen, nonphagocytic mononuclear cells that lack both sIg and Ia antigens were shown to mediate ADCC.