The lysis gene t of the T-even-like bacteriophage K3 has been cloned and sequenced. The gene codes for a protein with a predicted molecular weight of 25,200. Expression of the complete lysis protein was impossible, but peptides complementing T4 amber mutants in t are described. No known lysis protein of other phages is homologous to protein T. Also, the Escherichia coli phospholipase A is different from protein T. CelB, the lysis protein of the colicin E2 operon, shows a similarity to protein T. Sequences of colicins A, E1, and E2 are related to gene 38 sequences, the gene preceding t and coding for the phage adhesin. A common origin for colicin genes and phage genes is discussed, and a protein region in colicins that is responsible for receptor recognition is predicted.