c-myc can induce expression of G0/G1 transition genes.

The human c-myc oncogene was linked to the heat shock-inducible Drosophila hsp70 promoter and used to stably transfect mouse BALB/c 3T3 cells. Heat shock of the transfectants at 42 degrees C followed by recovery at 37 degrees C resulted in the appearance of the human c-myc protein which was appropriately localized to the nuclear fraction. Two-dimensional analysis of the proteins of density-arrested cells which had been heat shock treated revealed the induction of eight protein species and the repression of five protein species. All of the induced and repressed proteins were nonabundant. cDNA clones corresponding to genes induced during the G0/G1 transition were used as probes to assay for c-myc inducibility of these genes. Two anonymous sequences previously identified as serum inducible (3CH77 and 3CH92) were induced when c-myc was expressed. In response to serum stimulation, 3CH77 and 3CH92 were expressed before c-myc mRNA levels increased. However, in response to specific induction of c-myc by heat shock of serum arrested cells, 3CH77 and 3CH92 mRNA levels increased after the rise in c-myc mRNA. Therefore, we hypothesize that abnormal expression of c-myc can induce genes involved in the proliferative response.