MPYS, a Novel Membrane Tetraspanner, Is Associated with Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II and Mediates Transduction of Apoptotic Signals

Although the best-defined function of type II major histocompatibility complex (MHC-II) is presentation of antigenic peptides to T lymphocytes, these molecules can also transduce signals leading alternatively to cell activation or apoptotic death. MHC-II is a heterodimer of two transmembrane proteins, each containing a short cytoplasmic tail that is dispensable for transduction of death signals. This suggests the function of an undefined MHC-II-associated transducer in signaling the death response. Here we describe a novel plasma membrane tetraspanner (MPYS) that is associated with MHC-II and mediates its transduction of death signals. MPYS is unusual among tetraspanners in containing an extended C-terminal cytoplasmic tail (approximately 140 amino acids) with multiple embedded signaling motifs. MPYS is tyrosine phosphorylated upon MHC-II aggregation and associates with inositol lipid and tyrosine phosphatases. Finally, MHC class II-mediated cell death signaling requires MPYS-dependent activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathway.