PHARMFIT—a Nonlinear Fitting Program for Pharmacology

A new program is presented for nonlinear fitting of data from pharmacological and chronobiological investigations. It contains functions for calculating data from ligand-binding studies and competition experiments, for the analysis of dose-response curves, for pharmacokinetic calculations, and for cosine analysis of harmonic and overlapping rhythms. In addition, it is possible to implement general equations by the user. The program allows data exchange with most spreadsheet, database, and graphics presentation programs, and accepts data from two widely used ambulatory 24-h blood-pressure monitoring systems. The fitting procedure uses the Marquardt–Levenberg algorithm. It calculates the weighted or the unweighted fit together with a great variety of statistics for estimation of goodness of fit. A graphics module permits graphical presentation of the fitted curve. Moreover, fitting of data to different models can be compared for the most likely fit and model discrimination statistics for improvement of further experiments are provided. To demonstrate the chronobiological application of the fitting program PHARMFIT, the analysis of telemetric heart rate data from rats is presented.