Identification of wheat-Agropyron cristatum monosomic addition lines by RFLP analysis using a set of assigned wheat DNA probes

A non-radioactive digoxigenin-labelled DNA method was used successfully to identify RFLP markers in 54 Triticum aestivum cv ‘Chinese Spring’ — Agropyron cristatum (2n=28, genome PPPP) P-genome monosomic addition lines. Southern analysis using a set of 14 DNA probes identifying each homoeologous chromosome arm, combined with two restriction enzymes HindIII and EcoRI, indicated that six A. cristatum chromosomes (1P, 2P, 3P, 4P, 5P and 6P) and five A. cristatum chromosome arms (2PS, 2PL, 5PL, 6PS and 6PL) have been individually added to the wheat genome. The added chromosomes of three lines were Agropyron translocated chromosomes. It was also found that two addition plants possessed an Agropyron-wheat translocation. These results showed that RFLP analysis using the set of assigned wheat probes was a powerful tool in detecting and establishing homoeology of alien A. cristatum chromosomes, or arms, added to wheat, as well as in screening the alien addition material. The creation of the monosomic addition lines should be useful for the transfer of disease-resistance genes from A. cristatum to wheat.