Isobaric Analog States and Coulomb Displacement Energies in the (1d52) Shell

The (p,t) and (p, He3) reactions have been used to locate three previously unknown T=32 isobaric analog states in F19, Ne19, and Mg23, in addition to significantly improving the precision on the energies of the T=32 state in Na23 and the T=2 states in F20 and Na24. These multiplets all lie within the "(1d52) shell" in that they have fewer than n=12 nucleons outside O16, and Tminimum (12n,612n). Including these data, twenty-eight displacement energies are now known throughout this shell for all possible multiplets with T2 (except T=2, mass-22). The experimental displacement energies were compared in detail with calculations which used Hecht's Coulomb-energy equations; the excellent agreement obtained appeared to be relatively insensitive to the assumed nuclear wave functions since both the low-seniority jj coupling limit and the Wigner supermultiplet scheme produced similar results. Four parameters related to the two-body Coulomb-energy matrix elements were treated as adjustable in fitting the data but their final values are in reasonable agreement with matrix elements calculated using harmonic-oscillator wave functions. A fifth adjustable parameter took account of the Z and N dependence of the charge radius. Using the experimental parameters, the unmeasured masses of Na19, Mg20, Mg21, Al22,