Anomalous L-Subshell Conversion Coefficients of the Highly K-Forbidden E1 Transition in Hf180m (5.5 h)

The extremely K-forbidden E1 transition (8- → 8+) of 57.5 keV in Hf180m was long known to have an anomalously high (LI+LII) conversion coefficient. In order to resolve these two lines, the electrons emitted from an evaporated Hf2 O3 source of ∼50-μg/cm2 thickness were analyzed in a double-focusing spectrometer. The values found for the conversion coefficients in the three different L subshells are εLI=0.308±0.025; εLII=0.067±0.010; εLIII=0.055±0.010, as compared with Rose's theoretical values α1(LI)=0.108; α1(LII)=0.047; α1(LIII)=0.062. No admixture of M2 or E3 components fits the experimental results. Of the two explanations for the anomaly considered, namely penetration effects and parity mixing, the second was excluded by the lack of circular polarization of the 57.5-keV γ rays (Bock, Jenschke, and Schopper; and Paul, McKeown, and Scharff-Goldhaber), while the first is compatible with our results. For the 8- → 6+ transition of 501.5 keV, more precise values of the branching ratio, energy, and K-conversion coefficient are obtained. Its L conversion coefficients have been measured. The results are compatible with the mixing ratio reported by Bodenstedt et al.: 3.5%M2+96.5%E3. The (LI+LII)LIII ratio of the 93.3-keV E2 transition is found to be somwehat lower than the values reported by other authors, but still anomalously high (1.28±0.03, compared to the theoretical ratio of 1.11). A search for the 834-keV 8- → 4+ transition yielded an upper limit of 2×105 per decay. The capture cross section of Hf179 for thermal neutrons leading to the activation of Hf180m is found to be σact, Hf179th=0.34±0.03b. The analysis of the resulting isomeric ratio σ(Hf180m)σtot=0.52% leads to the conclusion that the spin of the capturing state for thermal neutrons in Hf180 is predominantly 5.

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