Studies on Eradication of Anopheles pharoensis by the Sterile-Male Technique Using Cobalt60. II. Induced Dominant Lethals in the Immature Stages

An experiment was designed to study the percentage of induced dominant lethals in the immature stages of the F1, generation of Anopheles pharoensis Theobald, following irradiation of parental eggs or pupae. Doses from 500R to 5000R of gamma radiation with 500R increments were used. The results indicate clearly that the percentage of induced dominant lethals in eggs of A. pheroenesis irradiated by gamma rays increased linearly with increasing dose; 100% lethality in the F1 generation appeared at 2000R gamma rays. On the other hand, the results secured from parental pupae irradiated with gamma rays demonstrate that dominant lethals in the egg, larval, and pupal stages of F1, offspring resulting from irradiated pupae are most effective during the egg stage followed by the larval stage; complete lethality was achieved at 4500R and 5000R, respectively, Gamma rays showed no significant effects on the F1, pupal stage, i.e., adults would emerge from most of the pupae in spite of high doses of gamma irradiation.