Computer-aided diagnosis in mammography: classification of mass and normal tissue by texture analysis

Computer-aided diagnosis schemes are being developed to assist radiologists in mammographic interpretation. In this study, we investigated whether texture features could be used to distinguish between mass and non-mass regions in clinical mammograms. Forty-five regions of interest (ROIs) containing true masses with various degrees of visibility and 135 ROIs containing normal breast parenchyma were extracted manually from digitized mammograms as case samples. Spatial-grey-level-dependence (SGLD) matrices of each ROI were calculated and eight texture features were calculated from the SGLD matrices. The correlation and class-distance properties of extracted texture features were analysed. Selected texture features were input into a modified decision-tree classification scheme. The performance of the classifier was evaluated for different feature combinations and orders of features on the tree. A classification accuracy of about 89% sensitivity and 76% specificity was obtained for ordered features, sum average, correlation, and energy, during the training procedure. With a leave-one-out method, the test result was about 76% sensitivity and 64% specificity. The results of this preliminary study demonstrate the feasibility of using texture information for classification of mass and normal breast tissue, which will be likely to be useful for classifying true and false detections in computer-aided diagnosis programmes.