Implications of low energy supersymmetry breaking at the Fermilab Tevatron

The signatures for low energy supersymmetry breaking at the Fermilab Tevatron are investigated. It is natural that the lightest standard model superpartner is an electroweak neutralino, which decays to an essentially massless Goldstino and photon, possibly within the detector. In the simplest model of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking, the production of right-handed sleptons, neutralinos, and charginos leads to a pair of hard photons accompanied by leptons and/or jets with missing transverse energy. The relatively hard leptons and softer photons of the single e+eγγ+ET event observed by CDF implies this event is best interpreted as arising from left-handed slepton pair production. In this case the rates for l±γγ+ET and γγ+ET are comparable to that for l+lγγ+ET.

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