The 6S RNA transcribed from rodent total DNA in vitro is the transcript of the type 2 Alu family

We have performed in vitro transcription, using total DNA isolated from mouse and a cloned mouse DNA fragment containing a representative type 2 Alu sequence characterized by Kominami et al. (1983) as templates. From each template, 6S RNA was transcribed. The fingerprint of the 6S RNA produced from in vitro transcription of total DNA showed a very clear pattern of oligonucleotides. By comparing the oligonucleotides of the 6S RNA produced from each template, we demonstrated that the 6S RNA transcribed from mouse total DNA is in fact the transcript of type 2 Alu sequences. The composition of the oligonucleotides of the 6S RNA transcribed from mouse total DNA seems to reflect well that of the consensus sequence of the type 2 Alu family proposed by Krayev et al. (1982). In vitro transcripts of rat or hamster total DNA showed fingerprint patterns nearly identical to that of mouse DNA, confirming that rodents have equivalent type 2 Alu sequences whose transcripts have the same length and similar compositions of oligonucleotides. Thus total DNA transcription provides a novel approach to the detection and analysis of type 2 Alu sequences transcribed in vitro.