Second-harmonic generation from the quadrupole response inC60films

By applying the numerically computed energy levels and wave functions of the π electrons of the C60 molecule following the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, we calculated the second-order quadrupole nonlinear susceptibility χzzzzQ for the C60 medium and the calculated value is 1.7×1020 m2/V for the fundamental wave λ=1.064 μm. For the fundamental wave λ=1.064 μm, the second-order susceptibility χzzz(2) caused by the second-order nonlinear quadrupole polarization has the magnitude 1.1×1013 m/V (i.e., 2.5×109 esu). This result is in excellent agreement with the recent experimental measurements. In addition, we also calculated the quadrupole-induced reflection and transmission second-order harmonic generation by further considering the effect of finite film thickness.