Low-Temperature Thermodynamic Properties of Vanadium. II. Mixed State

The specific heat of a single-crystal vanadium sample (resistivity ratio=140) has been measured in 12 different magnetic fields between 0.5 and 5.4°K to study the mixed state. The specific heat above approximately Hc is found to be independent of sample history, which leads to a complete thermodynamic description of the mixed state. The upper critical field Hc2(t) is found from the specific heat at high fields and from heating and cooling curves at low fields and is used with Hc(t) determined from specific-heat measurements in part I of this investigation to obtain the parameter κ1(t)=Hc2(t)2Hc(t). The Ginzburg-Landau parameter κκ1(1) is found to be 0.979±0.010 for this sample and, when extrapolated to infinite electron mean free path, yields the value κ0=0.848±0.015>12, which proves that vanadium, like niobium, is an intrinsic type-II superconductor. The behavior of κ1(t)κ for vanadium is shown to be nearly identical to that for niobium and is higher at all temperatures than the theoretical prediction of Gor'kov. In particular κ1(0)κ is 1.50±0.02 compared with the theoretical value 1.25, which points out the need for a refinement of the theory concerning intrinsic type-II superconductors. Magnetization curves are thermodynamically deduced from the specific-heat data and are used to find Hc1(t), given by 1150(1t2) Oe. In addition the curves appear to represent the average behavior of actual magnetization measurements in increasing and decreasing fields. The parameter κ2(t) calculated from the slopes of the deduced magnetization curves is in excellent agreement near t=1 with the prediction of Maki and Tsuzuki, and at low temperatures approaches the value κ2(0)κ=2.66. A reliable estimate of the Fermi-surface area, given by SSf=0.714, is obtained from the value of κ0, which then leads to the values λL(0)=398 Å, ξ0=450 Å, and l=2450 Å.