Coping with the green‐eyed monster: Conceptualizing and measuring communicative responses to romantic jealousy

Communicative responses to jealousy perform critical functions in interpersonal relationships: They can reduce uncertainty, help maintain or repair relationships, and aid the jealous person in saving face and restoring self‐esteem. The three studies reported herein concentrate on conceptualizing and measuring communicative responses to jealousy that are relevant to these functions. Study 1 is a descriptive, qualitative analysis of respondents' communicative responses to jealousy. Twelve superordinate categories and 67 tactics were found. Studies 2 and 3 focus on finding reliable and valid measures representing the various responses found in Study 1. Measures for six types of interactive responses (integrative communication, distributive communication, active distancing, general avoidance/denial, expression of negative affect, and violent communication/threats) and five types of general responses (surveillance/restriction, compensatory restoration, manipulation attempts, rival contact, and violent behavior) were developed. Associations between these jealousy response scales and previous jealousy measures, and results from confirmatory factor analyses, provide preliminary evidence for the validity of these scales.

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