Fundamental aspects of the application of fluorescence anisotropy to detect the hybridization of fluorescein-labeled DNA oligomers were explored. The oligomers included a binding site for the EcoRI restriction enzyme, which binds to double-stranded DNA and is used in this work to enhance the difference between the anisotropies of the single-stranded and double-stranded oligomers by increasing the effective volume of the latter. The fluorescence anisotropy increases upon hybridization and further upon binding of EcoRI to the double strand. By varying the length of the tether used to attach the fluorescein to the 5' end of the oligonucleotide, it was found that a 6-carbon tether was optimal, providing the most dramatic increases in anisotropy in the presence of EcoRI. Dynamic fluorescence anisotropy (DFA) provided insight into the increases in steady-state anisotropy. In most cases, the best fits to the DFA data were obtained using a biexponential decay model, which describes an anisotropic rotator. Upon hybridization, the faster rotational motion is more hindered, and the contribution of the slower rotational component is increased. This effect is enhanced by binding of EcoRI to the double strand, especially when the EcoRI binding site is near the fluorescein at the 5' end and the tether length is in the optimal range. Because the rotational correlation time of the slower anisotropy decay component is much longer than the fluorescence lifetime, it is possible in some cases to reduce the anisotropic rotator model to the special limiting case of a hindered rotator.