Effects of epidural anesthesia on sympathetic nerve discharge to the skin

Direct intraneural recordings of skin sympathetic activity (SSA) were performed to determine the magnitude of blockade of sympathetic fibers to the lower extremities during epidural anesthesia. Lumbar epidural catheters were inserted in nine volunteers. Multiunit postganglionic sympathetic activity was recorded in a skin fascicle of the peroneal nerve before and after injection of 4 ml of mepivacaine 2% epidurally, followed by an additional 12–16 ml after 5 min. Arousal stimuli such as sudden loud noises and noxious electrical skin stimulation were used to elicit transient sympathetic activation. Epidural anesthesia with upper level of sensory blockade at T4–T8 (n= 7) completely blocked spontaneous SSA and no detectable skin sympathetic activity could be provoked by arousal stimuli later than 14 min after the test dose. Sympathetic blockade was accompanied by marked increases in foot skin blood flow and loss of skin resistance responses to arousal. Epidural anesthesia with sensory blockade up to T10–11 (n= 2) only produced a partial sympathetic blockade. The result shows that epidural anesthesia with sensory blockade at T8 or above is equally as effective as injections of local anesthetics directly at postganglionic nerve fibers or ganglionic blockade in producing a complete sympathetic blockade of intraneurally recorded SSA. This neural blockade was paralleled by skin vasodilatation and a loss of sudomotor responses in the foot.