Glandular fever, an acute infectious disease principally affecting the cervical glands, was first described by Pfeiffer in 1889. Since that time various writers, West, Korsakoff, Gourichon, Terflinger and others, have reported epidemics and written extensively about it, but conclusions as to its etiology, the portal of entry of the organism causing the infection, the extent of the infection, and the complications arising therefrom are very diverse. The cases reported in this article are nine in number. The first six occurred in children from 2½ to 5 years of age. The last three occurred in the family of Patient 6 after she had left the hospital, and, although not seen in the acute stage, are reported because the clinical history corresponded precisely to that in the cases observed. In this family epidemic only adults were affected. West reported an epidemic of 96 cases occurring in children and