Influence of plasma immunoglobulin level on antibody synthesis

In previous experimental animal studies it has been demonstrated that antibody depletion is not followed by increased antibody synthesis. To assess whether these results are conferrable to antibody-depleted humans, we measured free light chains (flcs) as markers of current antibody synthesis in 8 patients treated with immunoadsorption (IA) therapy. Specific and bulk immunoglobulin levels were obtained simultaneously. The mean serum flc concentration increased to the preapheresis value within 1 day and remained unchanged thereafter. Total immunoglobulin G (IgG) and specific antibody concentrations increased to pretreatment values in 88% and 43% of the patients, respectively, and remained below the original values in the others. In conclusion, the lack of increased flc synthesis after IA confirms the absence of a feedback mechanism regulating antibody synthesis. The restoration of serum IgG levels after IA, therefore, does not result from increased antibody synthesis but is probably related to changes of catabolism and immunoglobulin backflow.