Paramagnetic Resonance Absorption by Divalent Vanadium Ion in Cadmium Dichloride

Paramagnetic resonance absorption by V2+ ions in CdCl2 single crystals has been investigated at 77° and 4.2°K. The experimental results are described by the spin Hamiltonian H=+H·g·|β|S+S·T·S+I·A·S,in which S=32,gzz≡g‖=+1.9661,σ{g‖}=0.0009,gxx=gyy≡g⊥=+1.9704,σ{g⊥}=0.0006,Tzz/hc≡D/hc=−0.2077 cm−1,σ{D/hc}=0.0002 cm−1,Txx/hc=−Tyy/hc≡E/hc=0.0000 cm−1,σ{E/hc}=0.0002 cm−1,Axx/hc=Ayy/hc=Azz/hc≡A/hc=±0.00767 cm−1,σ{A/hc}=0.00006 cm−1,where x, y, z refer to principal axes of the tensors, the trigonal axis of the crystal is the z axis, σ is the standard deviation, and the parameters are given for 77°K.

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